How could Israel’s top security echelons so callously betray the country’s border communities and the soldiers tasked with their protection, many of whom were slaughtered in their beds? How could they fail to alert their political superiors to a clear and present danger of the largest national...
Fake news, old photos, gameplay videos — online lies are skyrocketing in the wake of war. Stopping them depends on you. Fog of war: This is definitely IDF troops moving into a Gaza town.Credit: Alexi J. Rosenfeld/Getty Images Who wrote, "A lie can travel halfway around the world whil...
This could mark the first time North Korea makes a significant intervention in an international conflict. North Korea has one of the world’s largest militaries with 1.2 million soldiers, but many of its troops lack combat experience. Multiple governments have accused Pyongyang of supplying arms to...
Vatican teaching Hezbollah how to kill Jews, says pamphlet for IDF troopsHaaretzHaaretz
Even though the terror group is avoiding direct confrontations with IDF troops, a senior Hamas official claimed in an interview with the Qatari newspaper Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that "the resistance has begun to prepare for the Israeli move to invade Rafah," and emphasized that "An operation in ...
“I am coming to the conclusion that TIME has run out for White People. We are like Pharaoh. God gave Pharaoh so many chances. And then it came to the point where God Himself hardened Pharaoh’s heart” I myself, have come to similar a conclusion. We, ...
Troops kill gunman at army checkpoint in Hebron Hills. Large-scale terror attack foiled, IDF's Gen. Shamni says A GUNMAN who tried to hold up a McDonald's restaurant was foiled when the assistant said he'd have to order some food before she could open the till. Y Katz 被引量: 0发...
In 2005, prime minister Ariel Sharon withdrew all Israeli troops and communities from Gaza. This was at the end of the Second Intifada, when Hamas was the leading actor in perfecting the art of suicide bombers targeting soft targets like Israeli malls and cafes, terrorizing Israelis for half a...
Image:Dr Al-Bursh and others in the staff room Israelsaid the foundations of Al-Shifa were laced with tunnels where Hamas operated a 'command-and-control centre', somethingHamasdenies. As Israeli troops advanced towards the facility, Dr A...