These units, along with volunteers from Britain, Canada, and several other countries, formed the Fifteenth Unit Brigade, known colloquially as the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. [Pictured: Refugees from the Spanish Civil War cross into France] 1937: Protective Mobilization Plan The National Guard 1937: ...
Not only was the Gaza division not placed on an early morning alert – a standard operation procedure – but an hour before the invasion, soldiers of the Golani infantry brigade were instructed not to approach the border fence before 9 am. The only minor precautionary measure taken was to ...
Nearly all Israelis, with few exceptions, are required to serve in the Israeli military. The Israel Defense Forces encompasses the country's army, navy and air force. Additionally, thousands of Jews and their descendants have expressed a desire to volunteer as soldiers for the IDF. For non-Isr...
Leibovich notes that the IDF's presence is growing constantly and could reach 95 million people worldwide. Its Twitter account has more than 230,000 followers and itsFacebook pagejust crossed 380,000 likes -- and that's only in English. For comparison, the Al Qassam Brigade's Twitter accoun...
“The use of humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza is an elaborate sham and a pretext for ambushing and violently attacking Israeli military personnel. This unconscionable act of assaulting Israeli soldiers should be condemned by the leaders of every nation who truly seek peace in the region....