LTA exemption is available for 2 journeys in a block of 4 yrs.While the current block is 2018-21, one can carry it forward to the next block year.The LTA tax break can be claimed for travel of self and family members for journeys undertaken within India. How to Claim LTA? Employees w...
We can also become knowledgeable about taxes on dividends and bond income, and hold our different assets in the mosttax-efficient way. If needed we can even judiciously manage ourcapital gains and lossesevery year on unsheltered assets, anddefuse gainswhere possible. (Albeit the scope for the ...
Revised Returncan be filed only if you have doneany mistakes(omissions or commissions) in filing your original return of income. It can be filed before the expiry of one year from the end of the relevant assessment year or before the completion of assessment, whichever is earlier. Rectification...
holiness, justice, and truth. When we fall short in living up to the mitzvot (commands), the descriptions of the tabernacle and the sacrifice leads us to seeking the Lord God in heaven, to repentance, to turn from our sins, and to seek the Messiah, the One whom the Lord brought to d...
transmiuiog a given theme or inter- action of themes,' and five years later added 'That is to say that theme is the deep structure of fommla'.9 The point can stand today even if for some time I have been inclined to think that "deep" theme is not so very far from "surface" ...
This guide explains who can use a foreign driving license to drive in Singapore, requirements and procedures for converting a foreign driving license to Singapore one.
can say that photography is neither about the particular (even if the particular appears in the frame) nor about the generic, but about using both in order to transcend them. This "using"-based ontology has a potential radicant dimension that may, intentionally or not, be amplified in ...