DYK: how to make the most out of LTA claimsKayezad E. Adajania
You need to submit Form 12BB to your employer before the end of the financial year along with the tickets, boarding passes (if traveling by Air) or bills(if rented a taxi). Excerpt of LTA in Form 12BB is shown below. Many companies allow one to fill the details online in company-spe...
This was further ambiguous due to the lack of citing of references to substantiate claims across most places. This lack of connection between theorised benefits of implementing ‘x-minute cities or neighbourhoods’ concepts and concrete ways towards effective implementation to reach these targets was...
This raises the question of what constitutes proper driving behavior in a complex driving scenario. Many jurisdictions point to existing rules of the road as a description of good driving and, by requiring AVs to follow such rules, hope to improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation ...
Cross-national empirical investigations of these claims indeed suggest that a decline in duty-based norms has led to decreased institutional participation such as voter turnout (Blais and Rubenson 2013), while certain types of “good citizenship” norms are associated with some non-institutionalized ...
Although cars are exceptionally expensive in Singapore, many people are willing to pay the price for convenience.Generally speaking, you need a Singapore driving license to drive in Singapore. All Singaporeans and Singapore permanent residents MUST have a valid Singapore driving license to drive in ...
and fi urc of enumerations the of other Indo-European entities whereby o nly ltahnegluaasgt erescwethviecsh~snheoplwthtehte_.s.~Xyhastn•dc Ygand snaggle-toothed 7:'. ·n1e Catalogue ofShips in Jliad2 offers m 1ts hsts ~fnames f ns peoples and places examples practically without...
One patient expressed that the mealtime music to her was a way of bonding with people with whom she would otherwise not share many commonalities: […] it is nice that there is background music […] we did not choose each other. In that way, it is nice that there is also music. ...
The Canadian porcine industry is the third largest pork exporter in the world, which represents about 70% of the Canadian pork production [1]. Moreover, about 21.7 kg of pork are consumed per year by Canadians, making it also a staple of the Canadian diet [2]. However, only 60 to 62...
https://doi.org/ 10.3390/su13041775 Received: 1 December 2020 Accepted: 12 January 2021 Published: 7 February 2021 Publisher's Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affil- iations. Abstract: The Orinoco river basin is the third largest...