Which animal group is extremely successful in terms of the number of species, with over one million described species and more to be discovered? a. chordates b. arthropods c. mollusks d.nematodes Among these marine mammals species, one or several species are not central place foragers (Select ...
HowStuffWorks Animals Wild Animals Marine Life Mollusks How Do Oysters Make Pearls?By: Laurie L. Dove | Updated: Aug 30, 2023 Oysters aren't the only type of mollusk that can produce pearls; clams and mussels can as well. Maciej Toporowicz, NYC/Getty Images Most jewelry is fashioned ...
Four statistical metrics (Chaol, Chao2, ACE, and rarefaction) were used to estimate the total number of species of shelled micromollusks based on composition of nine benthic samples collected from the sublittoral zone off 'N,Vailea, Maui, Hawaii. There was a total of 250 species in the ...
Which animal group is extremely successful in terms of the number of species, with over one million described species and more to be discovered? a. chordates b. arthropods c. mollusks d.nematodes What two characteristics of early animals explain the scarcity of animal fossils older than the...
responsible for making the shell. Shells continue to grow as mollusks grow, so the length of time it takes to produce a shell can vary from species to species. Many mollusks go through a larval stage in their development, so the actual start of shell production can differ among species as...
But octopuses are separated from the mollusks into the class cephalopoda, which includes the most advanced animals of the phylum. Squid, cuttlefish and nautilus belong to this class as well. The octopus has evolved most since the cephalopods originated more than 600 million years ago. While the ...
Slugs and snails:Both of these mollusks attack Napa cabbage, but they’re particularlydangerous to young seedlings.Since the pests come out at night, they can be difficult to detect and kill. Beer traps and organic slug bait are two effective control measures. ...
In our deserts, the invertebrate subkingdom includes phyla such as arthropods (insects, centipedes, spiders, scorpions, desert shrimp and many others), mollusks (snails) and annelids (earthworms). In the desert, as well as across the world, arthropods, measured in terms of abundance and divers...
əˈθiːsiː/) is a type of egg mass made by any member of a variety of species including mollusks (such as Turbinella laevigata), mantises, and cockroaches. The word is a Latinized combination of oo-, meaning "egg", from the Greek word ōon (cf. ... Ootheke is Greek ...
Snails of all ages and sizes need to keep eating foods that are high in calcium. This is one reason why the mollusks are so often considered pests; a few of them like to chow down on spinach, broccoli, turnip and other calcium-loaded crops. They can also get their calcium fix by swal...