Learn about mollusk shells. Explore types of seashells, one and two shelled mollusks, how shells are made, and mollusks without a shell.
A single phylum often contains several classes of organisms, though sometimes the classes are first grouped into superclasses. Humans belong to the mammal class of animals.Answer and Explanation: The answer to this question depends largely on which definition of classes you use since the taxonomy ...
For the first time, scientists have sequenced the genome of the mysterious giant squid, finding answers about the creature's massive size. Here's the truth.
There are many different types of microbeads that are used in everyday products such as face wash and toothpaste. They are so small that they can slip through water filtration systems and find their way into the oceans.Answer and Explanation: ...
There's no incentive to rush out and gather as many fish as possible. Sometimes, fishermen are allowed to trade or sell fishing permits, which can increase or decrease the individual boat's quota. Fisheries may choose to auction off quotas to the highest bidder. Some fishery organ...
Types of Surfboards Oh! The boards you’ll surf! / Mollusk Surf Shop / photo byMollusk Surfboard styles have been consistently evolving since the 1940s and they now come in many shapes, sizes, and specs. Below are six of the largest categories of surfboards to give you a general overview...
Plant asparagus crowns in the early spring as soon as the soil can be worked. Many gardeners plant them at about the same time as potatoes are planted. Asparagus is usually grown from 1-year-old plants called “crowns” but can also be grown from seed. Starting with asparagus crowns, howe...
Are turritella still alive? Answer 1: There certainly are turritellas living today-several hundred species! Many of them look very much like the fossil turritellas, which have been around since the Cretaceous Period. ... If you want to see one "on" the whole shell (ha ha), here is ...
that irradiate deep into that forest, or the multiple NOAA Doppler weather radar sites scattered all over the small island to track hurricanes, or the many cell towers there too. These global declines are truly alarming with implications for planetary health as well as human and wildlife ...
It results in substantial economic or public health consequences and is critical to the international trade of animals and animal products. Epizootics are often exacerbated by high population density. Some examples of epizootic diseases are avian in...