If using a typicalgallon jar suitable for brewing, they are just a bit more tall than wide. Therefore the width (surface area) is less than the depth of the vessel. The Kombucha will ferment more slowly because there is less surface area to depth, meaning the brew is deeper. If we fer...
1: Tea Stains If you have fabrics with tea stains, don't despair. As long as you didn't burn yourself when you spilled the mug, there's nothing to worry about. First things first — as soon as possible, rinse the stain with cold water. Don't forget to run the...
Kombucha is made with tea, sugar and often fruit. It also requires a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) to ferment and tends to be a bit sweeter. Both drinks are essentially “alive” since they contain active bacteria that support digestion. One advantage that kvass has is tha...
How a tea is brewed can make all the difference between an amazing tea experience and an unremarkable one. So here’s our primer on all the things to consider when you sit down to brew your next cup of tea. Know your H2O Brewed tea is 99 percent water, so the water you start with...
Keep your guests hydrated and happy with a big batch of delicious iced tea. Our easy one pot method for brewing organic tea concentrate can make unlimited gallons of iced tea for all to enjoy! The instructions below make 1 gallon of iced tea. But, if you are preparing for a larger gathe...
You will need 8 tea bags for each gallon of kombucha. Since I brew a lot of kombucha, I like to buy 1-pound bags of loose leaf tea. This loose-leaf black tea tastes great and is an excellent value. Filtered Water –You can use bottled water from the store or water filtered out ...
Decide how much kombucha tea you want to maintain. ( 2 gallons, 3 gallons, etc) As arule of thumbfigure you will be producing 12 - 25 ounces of Kombucha Mushroom Tea per gallon of ferment per day. Therefore a 2 gallon ferment will produce twice that or 24-50 fluid ounces of kombucha...
Weirdbulking diets:Another mistake is to switch to a radical diet, like A Gallon Of Milk A Day (GOMAD). Milk can be a great bulking food if you digest it well, but you should have it in normal serving sizes as part of a balanced diet. A Litre A Day (LOMAD) is much more reason...
Heat up one liter of filtered water. You want the water to be warmer than room temperature but not boiling or very hot. It should be cooler than the temp you would use to brew tea or coffee. Grab a glass jar with a lid, and add the salt, hot water, and some fresh lemon juice ...
Try thisrecipe for homemade weed killermade with a gallon of whitevinegar, a cup of salt and a tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Homemade Solution Make Your Own Natural Weed Killer Tackle troublesome garden weeds the sustainable way with this easy-to-make homemade weed killer. ...