Which of my furry characters are you? by mia What is GotoQuiz? A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes that you can create and share on your social network. Have a look around and see what we're about. Quiz topic: How Furry...
Often I read someone defending Starlight that “these are flaws. and while they are also essential parts of characters, flaws are not the entire character. There are weaknesses, strengths, flaws, personalities, morals, and more”. I have two problems with this argument. 1. Most of her choi...
What are tokens and how to count them?: OpenAI Articles 5 Approaches To Solve LLM Token Limits : doc [2023] Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE): P.2015. The most widely used tokenization algorithm for text today. BPE adds an end token to words, splits them into characters, and merges frequent...
Being aware ofhow many users are actually using your app after downloading itis of utmost importance for your app’s success. It enables you to assess your marketing campaigns, improve user retention, and identify the first-coming roadblocks that prevent your new users from engaging with your app...
In modern biomedical research of complex diseases, a large number of demographic and clinical variables, herein called phenomic data, are often collected and missing values (MVs) are inevitable in the data collection process. Since many downstream statistical and bioinformatics methods require complete ...
However, it is extremely difficult to establish the network when there are too many samples of these evaluation approaches, and the gradient descent is too slow. Therefore, it is necessary to improve on existing methods and propose even better new methods. V GANs in Traffic Anomaly Inspection ...
Making the app available for the public may seem as easy as uploading it to the App Store and Google Play, but there are still a few things to keep in mind: don’t skip stress testing the server component You want to know how your education application will behave when too many users ...
i tried to draw that adorable pikachu but mine ended up as a blob ive been trying to draw pokemon for ages but there to hard to draw so i make my one characters so i know how to draw them but pokemon are to hard im giving up now Reply Aang chon Octobe...
There are currently 3 main ways to learn cooking outside of family and friends. . Those are recipe websites, magazines and cookbooks, and cooking classes. However many of these can be difficult for beginners. Gochi-Show hopes to make learning cooking both fun and engaging while being easy to...
Its this kind of “logic” in your post that shows many people have what is commonly called “heads up their a**. So first of all how are people going to switch to hybrids pretty quickly? Are there enough hybrids in the market to buy?