The most basic option assumes that you’re already running a minimum of three times a week and covering 16-20 miles in the process. So, if you’ve never run before but are committed to running a 10K in four weeks’ time, you’ll do best to simply focus on building up the length of...
Everything hurts, and you start to wonder what you liked so much about bikes in the first place. I was where you are once. But not now. Now, I’m a convert. I […]The Gear Every Beginner Cyclist Should Buy (And 3 Things You Shouldn’t) 5 December, 2017 Bek I remember my ...
Some bike shorts have a drawstring, especially for multiple uses like triathlon and fitness. A drawstring is not essential for road bike shorts but may come in handy for swimming, yoga, or running. Buying bike shorts can be challenging. There are many different options on the market, and ...
So for example, if you run 10 miles total in one week, the next week, you should run 11 miles maximum. 3.Incorporate HIIT Into Your Training High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of the best ways to boost your endurance. A September 2013 study in PLoS One found that interval...
for some reason when training for my first 100 I got caught up in trying to maintain an arbitrary pace of around 8-minute miles. That meant that, even on a 30-mile training run, I would try to average that pace, whatever the terrain, whatever the weather and no matter how fatigued I...
Clock upabout 10,000 steps/five miles of walking per day, and you’ll soon discover just how powerful daily walking can be! However, many people believe they don’t have time to walk, assuming it’s far too time-consuming, especially compared to shorter, more intense workouts likeHIIT. ...
You do not need to run more than 18-20 miles to finish a marathon, but if you need longer than 3-3.5 hours to get to that mileage, some coaches will recommend doing back-to-back long runs, such as 8 miles in the evening followed by 12 miles the next morning. Other coaches recommen...
The pace you need to run for a sub-30 5K is nice and easy to remember, as it sits at exactly 6 min/km. But, if you work in miles, it’s the slightly less mathematically pleasing pace of 9:39 min/mile. What pace must I run to go sub-2 hours for the half marathon?
Walking is the more accessible form of exercise from an economic standpoint. Whereas bikes cost a few hundred dollars minimum (even used), walking requires nothing but proper footwear and comfortable clothing, which many people already have. Plus, you can walk almost anywhere: You can do it on...