To convert any value of gallon to liter, multiply the gallon value by the conversion factor. To convert 33 gallons to liters, multiply 33 by 3.785411784, that makes 33 gallons equal to 124.9185889 liters. 33 gallons to liters formula liter = gallon value * 3.785411784 liter = 33 * ...
1/4 lb is how many ounces? One kilogram equals how many pounds? Since 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds, how many kilograms does a 150-pound person weight? There are 8 ounces in a pound. How many ounces are in 7 and 3/4 lbs? How many pounds does 55 gallons of water weigh?
How many gallons is 50 liters? Converting Units of Liquid Volume: The liter is a unit for measuring liquid volume in the metric system. Gallons are a unit of liquid volume used in the standard system in the U.S. However, with a few conversion figures, you can convert between the two....
In general, if you have 10 gallons of water to boil with a chlorine concentration of 1 milligram per liter, then you need to boil the water for 3.7 minutes to get rid of that chlorine concentration. To be on the safe side, boil the water for at least 5 minutes. Do Houseplants Need ...
Liters to Gallons: 1 liter is approximately 0.264172 US gallons. This conversion is important for fuel and liquid transportation measurements. Liters to Pints: 1 liter is approximately 2.11338 US pints. This conversion is commonly used in beverage and recipe measurements. Sample...
multiplied by how many of them there are. (In other words, it's π/4 × bore × bore × stroke × number of cylinders.) So when you hear a car described as having a "two-liter engine," that usually means it has four cylinders of 0.5 liters or six cylinders of 0.33 liters. The...
You see, the UK has been on the metric system for 60 years, but they still like to use ounces, pints, and gallons. The thing is, theirs aren’t the same as ours. A British ounce is only 28.41 milliliters compared to a US fl oz at 29.57. A pint in the UK, however, is 20 ...
1 Gallon [UK] = 4.54609 Liters [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS] Overall utilization of gallons Gallons utilized in mileage articulation in Canada and the United Kingdom are royal gallons. Regardless of its status as a U.S. domain, and dissimilar to American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, ...
Unit conversion is the translation of a given measurement into a different unit. Learn about common unit conversions, including the formulas for calculating the conversion of inches to feet, feet to yards, and quarts to gallons. Explore our homework questions and answers library ...
A typical commercial flight uses around 4 liters (0.9 gallons) per second, 240 liters (about 63.4 gallons) per minute, and 14,400 liters (about half the volume of large U-Haul truck) per hour of fuel) (Ref no: 6). We can reduce fuel usage by 5 to 7%, with the help of ...