How to convert 33 gallons to liters? The conversion factor from gallon to liter is 3.785411784. To convert any value of gallon to liter, multiply the gallon value by the conversion factor. To convert 33 gallons to liters, multiply 33 by 3.785411784, that makes 33 gallons equal to ...
How much chlorine is removed by boiling usually depends on the concentration of chlorine in the water and the amount of water you’re boiling. In general, if you have 10 gallons of water to boil with a chlorine concentration of 1 milligram per liter, then you need to boil the water for ...
AI models can analyze how much fuel is consumed in the climb phase for different aircraft to develop climb phase profiles for fuel conservation. A typical commercial flight uses around 4 liters (0.9 gallons) per second, 240 liters (about 63.4 gallons) per minute, and 14,400 liters (a...
It holds about 1.6 million lb (719,000 kg) of propellant with a total volume of about 526,000 gallons (2 million liters). The ET is made of aluminum and aluminum composite materials. It has two separate tanks inside, the forward tank for oxygen and the aft tank for hydrogen, separated...
The liter is a unit for measuring liquid volume in the metric system. Gallons are a unit of liquid volume used in the standard system in the U.S. However, with a few conversion figures, you can convert between the two. Answer and Explanation: ...
How many gallons is 2 liters? Measures of Volume: The imperial and metric systems use the gallon and the liter as common units of measuremnts for small volumes of liquid. The American gallon is composed of four quarts, each of which is slightly less than 1 liter in size, but is close...
As of November 2021, the average cost of gasoline was $2.415 per gallon in Wyoming and $2.539 in Connecticut. Using this information, here’s how much they spent on gasoline for that month: StatisticWyoming Driver (2,148.2 miles/month)Connecticut Driver (926.9 miles/month) Gallons of fuel ...
In the US, a gallon is 128 fluid ounces, or 3.785 liters. In the UK, however, a gallon is 160 fluid ounces, or 4.546 litres. (We've got more on that insanity over here.) For the sake of the question, 'How much does a gallon of water weigh?', we are going to focus on the...
For you metric folk, this is the same as mg/L (milligrams per liter). In a perfect world, nitrates should be kept between 5-10 ppm or lower. However, this is not always the case… Whether it’s due to a lack of time to perform proper maintenance, laziness or just a lack of ...
It holds about 1.6 million lb (719,000 kg) of propellant with a total volume of about 526,000 gallons (2 million liters). The ET is made of aluminum and aluminum composite materials. It has two separate tanks inside, the forward tank for oxygen and the aft tank for hydrogen, separated...