Now you know why many of your favorite artists are broke. Most of the money that musicians earn is appropriated by record labels. You should think very carefully before entering into such an agreement as a 360 deal. It may turn out to be much more profitable to regulate all the revenue ...
Booth ML, Chey T, Wake M, Norton K, Hesketh K, Dollman J, Robertson I: Change in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among young Australians, 1969–1997. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003, 77: 29-36. CAS Google Scholar Freedman DS, Srinivasan SR, Valdez RA, Williamson DF, Berenson GS: ...
Finally, social media platforms such as Instagram have helped spread information on this topic among young adults who are more likely to be concerned with their body figures than older generations. Read also: Global Obesity : Can Leanbean Really Help Fight the Obesity Epidemic? How can you spot...
Second, the findings of this study are based on only three groups of people with a total of 23 participants, all of whom live in or near a rural region in Victoria, Australia. However, one would assume that many of the discussions around personal, family, and workplace factors would trans...
Pressure alone doesn’t do the trick — it probably has to be combined with inflammation, which is in turn affected by many other aspects of our health.3 Scary causes of sciatica are rare, but not unheard of. The main ones to be aware of are relentlessly progressive symptoms4 and/or ...
Older Australians are more vulnerable to heat stress. Age is commonly associated with poorer aerobic fitness and impaired ability to detect thirst and overheating. Obesity also increases this vulnerability. Fat acts as an insulating layer, as well as giving the heart a more extensive network of blo...
Laboratory monitoring is not needed except in special circumstances (renal insufficiency, pregnancy or extreme obesity), when specialist advice about dosing is recommended. A lower dose should be given in renal failure because LMWHs are excreted mostly by the kidney (see page 33). Non-bleeding ...
Under normal circumstances, would apologize to Australians and Italian-Americans for any offense caused by this article. However, the author is himself Italian-Australian, so just harden up, you pack of bloody sooks. References ...
14 participants identified contact with various elements of nature as important resources in supporting their wellbeing. It is the results of these 14 interviews that are discussed in this paper with a focus on (i) the elements of nature which these emerging adults identify as important resources...