Medical Journal of AustraliaABS. (2008). "Overweight and obesity in Australia. AuSStAtS/ABS@.nSF/7d12b0f6763c78caca257061001cc588/2710da48a1baf1a9ca2573d200107562Biggs M: Overweight and Obesity in Australia. Parliament of Australia, Parliamentary Library, e-br...
1. investigate associations between obesity and the prevalence of hip and knee joint disease (arthritis and OA) in Australia; and 2. explore associations between obesity and pain, stiffness, physical function, HRQoL and disease severity among people with hip or knee joint disease.Methods...
4307.0.55.001 - Apparent Consumption of Alcohol, Australia, 2013-14. ABS (2015). The Economist. How to cut smoking in poor countries. The Economist
The high prevalence of child obesity remains a global public health concern, but appears to be plateauing in many high-income countries, including Australia [1]. In Australia, sustained multi-level public health interventions have contributed to the recent stabilising of child obesity, but not amon...
Australia is predicted to have the highest overweight/obesity rate in the world by 2022 outranking the USA and UK. The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the associations between childhood obesity and physical and psychological health co-morbidities. Therefore, a systematic literature ...
The ABS reports that the number of adults classified as obese or overweight has increased from 56% in 1995 to 61% in 2007-08. Globally, 2.8 million people die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. In 2008, over one-third of adults over 20 years of age in Australia were...
Policy and regulatory controls, including taxation of unhealthy foods and beverages and restrictions on unhealthy food advertising to children have been recognised by the World Health Organization as priority areas for action [18, 19], and recommendations for government intervention in Australia are build...
Musculoskeletal Research Centre, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, 3086, Australia Damien B Irving, Jill L Cook, Mark A Young & Hylton B Menz Corresponding author Correspondence to Hylton B Menz. Additional information Competing interests The author(s) declare that they have no competing inte...
Common Wealth of Australia. Australian Standard Classification of Occupations, Second edition (ABS cat. no. 1220.0). ISBN 0 642 23200 8. Commonwealth of Australia: Canberra, Australia, 1997. Australian Bureau of Statistics. AusStats 6523.0 Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia 2003-04 ...
Trends in the prevalence of adult overweight and obesity in Australia, and its association with geographic remoteness Article Open access 31 May 2021 Perception, environmental determinants, and health complications of excess weight in India: a mixed methods approach Article Open access 11 April...