To determine how many -OH groups are present in one molecule of sucrose, we can follow these steps:1. Understand the Structure of Sucrose: - Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of two monosaccharides: glucose and fructose.</
Learn more about this topic: Glucose Formula & Elements from Chapter 5 / Lesson 7 155K Learn what glucose is made of. Discover the glucose formula and the chemical structure of the glucose compound. Learn how many elements and atoms are in glucose. ...
Answer of the following question. How many atoms are in one molecule of glycogen? Most proteins are phosphorylated. Explain how protein phosphorylation occurs in detail. What is the purpose of protein phosphorylation? How do proteins become dephosphorylated?
How many ∝-H-atoms are present in the most stable alkene among the following ? View Solution Proteolytic enzymes present in the pancreatic juice are : (1) Pepsin (2) Elastase (3) Salivary amylase (4) Chymotrypsin View Solution Chymotrypsinogen, trypsinogen and nucleases along with amyla...
in fruits. Fructose has the same chemical formula as glucose (C6H12O6), but theatomsare arranged slightly differently. The liver converts fructose to glucose. Sucrose, also known as "white sugar" or "table sugar," is made of one glucose and one fructose molecule bonded together. Lactose (...
The positions of the hydrogen atoms in the crystal lattice of sucrose weredetermined by neutron diffraction technique. It was found that the D—glucopyranosylmoiety adopts the 4C1 conformation while the D—fructofuranosyl unit has the 3T4conformation. All hydroxyl groups except 0—4 are involved ...
Answer to: Olive oil is almost pure triolein (a molecule). The molar mass of triolein is 885 g/mol. How many olive oil molecules are in 500 g of...
What are the characteristics of disaccharides? Characteristics of Disaccharides Similar to other carbohydrates, disaccharides arecomprised of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, and the ratio of hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms is often 2:1, which explains why they are referred to as hydrates of carbon. Th...
splitting the crystal into its two component sugars, glucose and fructose. These sugars break down further, freeing their atomic building blocks: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen and oxygen atoms reunite to form water, and the carbon clusters in increasingly larger clumps. Eventually the water...
When any type of oil is exposed to heat (from a flame or an oven), its molecular formula changes and the hydrogen atoms are dispersed in the heat, causing doubling and tripling of bonds, resulting in ‘transformed’ fat. This is known as Trans Fat and is visible from the change in col...