So, is there a way to see how manyApex Legendspacks you’ve opened so far? Follow our guide below for how to find out how much money you put into the packs and also how close you are to potentially getting an Heirloom. How to See How Many Apex Legends Packs You’ve Opened ...
How to get more Apex packs InApex Legends, players can acquire Heirloom Shards by opening Apex Packs, which can later be exchanged for cosmetic items in the shop. Here’s how to see how many Apex Legends Packs you’ve opened with the Apex Pack tracker. ...
There’s also an option to input how manyApexPacks you’ve purchased from the store and entries for events, quests, and Twitch Prime members. This one is where I had the most trouble, as it’s very difficult to tell just how manyApexPacks I’ve purchased here and there over the...
The only way to obtain heirloom shards in Apex is to get them via Apex Packs. Each pack has a minuscule chance that it contains heirloom shards instead of the usual rewards. Since the chance to get heirloom shards this way is small, Respawn Entertainment has included a pity timer for playe...
How many Heirloom Shards can I get?Screengrab via Respawn When you receive Heirloom Shards, they can only be obtained in sets of 150 at a time. Each Heirloom Apex Pack will contain exactly 3 stacks of 50 Heirloom Shards. This amount is enough to purchase exactly one Heirloom. That said...
Is there a way to see how many Apex Packs you have opened total? I would like to know exactly how close I am to the 500 pack mark for an heirloom drop. If this information isn't accessible could we possibly get it as a feature in the future?
Players can obtain Heirloom Shards from Apex Packs. They’re not a common drop, however, and each pack will approximately have an extremely low chance (presumed to be 0.2 percent) of dropping them. The average cost for an Heirloom in Apex: ...
And don’t worry, your existing progress towards the 500 Apex Packs will carry over with the switch. Remember that once a player owns all of the Heirloom sets, the player will not be eligible to receive more shards until more Heirloom Sets are added to the game. You can also get the ...
Our Apex Legends Bloodhound Heirloom Guide features all the information you need to know on how-to obtain the heirloom item for Bloodhound! This is going to cost you some cash unfortunately, but if you want this unique item then you'll need to open up quite a few Iron Crown Event packs....
There are five currencies in Apex Legends: Apex Coins, Crafting Metals, Legend Tokens, Heirloom Shards, and Exotic Shards. You can use different currencies for things like getting items from the Apex Store, crafting things like skins and weapons, and customizing your weapons. ...