Packs until guaranteed heirloom - Packs since last heirloom - You get a guaranteed heirloom every 500 packs, and this bad luck protection resets when you open heirloom shards. For information purpose only.Your data will automatically be saved in both your browser and your ALS account if you are...
Haven't seen this posted before, thanks for sharing. I finally know how many packs I have opened. hayhor Hero 5 years ago @Gabrielmojo26Awesome thanks! HannesB_874 5 years ago How about events. craveAgame765 4 years ago Collection event packs are not counted towards heirloom because they...
Just keep in mind that even opening 500 Apex Packs does not guarantee that you will get an Heirloom item – but there is a chance! However, this way you will at least be able to track how much you’ve spent in the game. For moreApex Legendsguides, check outeverything you need to ...
传家宝计算器的链接大佬分享下 只看楼主收藏回复 请你吃翔岁月 蓝甲战士 6 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2021-05-14 21:01回复 言尽于此 紫甲战士 7 同求 来自Android客户端2楼2021-05-14 21:05 回复 请你吃翔岁月 蓝甲战士 6 。。 来自Android客户端3楼2021-05-15 12:10 回复 ...
- Apex pack calculator will let you calculate how many packs away you are from an heirloom! - Problem with Apex servers? Don't worry! We'll send you instant notifications to let you know if it's only you facing the issues or if it's a widespread outage. ...
I have been playing since day one of this game haven’t received one heirloom and I spent 100 on the game yesterday to try and get it and still no luck I know I have easily spent 500 worth in pack on this game and that not counting all the nettle pass crates and level up crates ...
Apex Pack Tracker 3 Apex calculator tips 4 How to get more Apex packs InApex Legends, players can acquire Heirloom Shards by opening Apex Packs, which can later be exchanged for cosmetic items in the shop. Here’s how to see how many Apex Legends Packs you’ve opened with the Apex Pack...
Has Starter Pack? Yes No # of Apex Coins # of Crafting Metals # of Legend Tokens # of Heirloom Sets # of Legendary Skins # of Epic Skins CALCULATE THE ACCOUNT VALUE NOW!The value is only an estimation based on previous orders.
For example, if your account level is 200, you’d input that into the calculator, and the number of Packs opened would be 109 or about 21.8 percent of the total. The calculator also gives you the number of Packs until a guaranteed Heirloom, which in this case would be 391. ...
How many Apex packs do you have to open to get an heirloom? Apex players are guaranteed at least one heirloom after opening500 packs. One savvy fan designed a calculator that helps you determine how many packs you've opened, creating a step-by-step breakdown using your account level, event...