Here is a list of the spheres of control in which Jews are the dominant force: Political Control: The Jewish Lobby rules supreme in the realm of political control. Lobbies such as AIPAC, ADL, and the American Jewish Congress (AJC), decide which candidates will be elected. They do this ...
The introductory notes to selections from the early American Jewish leader Mordecai Manuel Noah and the Sarajevo rabbi Judah Alkalai describe them as Zionists without clearly indicating the very limited sense in which they could be considered to be part of a movement that would not acquire its name...
This mindset will bring about the “New American Jew” – young Jews with strong identities who are not afraid to “get their hands dirty” in the work of advocacy. In the early 20th century, Jews who left the intellectual elite to work the land – literally get their hands di...
“These are the moments that bring us together as a family. We need to hold each other up and support one another, as Jews and Zionists, and keep everyone informed,” Barak says, “Everybody has it in them to start a movement, but sometimes they need a push to understand the situation...
Embracing violence as the defining characteristic of his rule, Arafat transformed the West Bank and Gaza into inveterate terrorist entities in line with his perennial ambition to make these territories springboards for ‘a popular armed revolution’ that would ‘force the Zionists to realize that it ...
Zionists and Israelis who worship their occupation forces do indeed claim that they know how the captives died. And we can see the use to which this factitious certainty is being put: "Netanyahu attacked the Histadrut labor federation'...
American soil.FDR believed there werealready too many Jews in the U.S., and Churchill refused to take them on British soil or even to the Jew’s own homeland. After the war, the Jews began to find ways to sneak Jews into the holy land. The most famous of those missions The Exodus ...
The second strand is the ‘Zionists are the new Nazis’ trope. The poor Palestinians – in this new history – became Europe’s Jews – and Israel became the new Nazi empire. In this fairytale – the invading Arab Armies of Syria, Jordan and Egypt are transformed into Churchill’s Britain...
What is clear from Meeink’s conversion to Judaism is that it has opened many doors for him — the Jews have financially rewarded him for his new-found Jewish faith — while denouncing his “White supremacist” past. We reported on a similar “conversion” — when German “neo-nazi”,Lu...
Wars are orchestrated to eventually produce Illuminati world government. As the Masonic leaderAlbert Pike wrote in 1871, the third world war will be between the "political Zionists and Islam." Translated, that means the US and Israel versus Iran and possibly China and Russia. ...