Although many religious Jews became avid Zionists over the course of the last century, these tensions did not disappear. To this day, one still sees secular Israelis infuriated when one of the ultra-orthodox religious parties in their country, is able to negotiate a large government subsidy for...
THE JEWS KNOW A GOOD ZIONIST SHILLwhen they spot and buy one. Wasting no time to defend the Israeli murderous raid on the Freedom Flotilla bound for Gaza with humanitarian aid, the power that now runs America, the Jewish Lobby and the Jewish-owned mass media, have enlisted none other ...
The introductory notes to selections from the early American Jewish leader Mordecai Manuel Noah and the Sarajevo rabbi Judah Alkalai describe them as Zionists without clearly indicating the very limited sense in which they could be considered to be part of a movement that would not acquire its name...
such as an end to the Occupation and assurances of (very) basic rights, Christians and Muslims will grudgingly accept the new reality, probably more so than non-religious Jews, many of whom will re-join their diaspora and eventually come to vie...
“These are the moments that bring us together as a family. We need to hold each other up and support one another, as Jews and Zionists, and keep everyone informed,” Barak says, “Everybody has it in them to start a movement, but sometimes they need a push to understand the situation...
Club Z teens are educated, confident, unapologetic Zionists. And here is what I’ve learned after 11 years of working with them: Once you learn the history of the Jews and Israel and understand who you are and your place in the Jewish story, you wake up and are excited to ...
The West bears an ENORMOUS responsibility in that mess — and no need to mention the Zionists... 10 @Muskens, from Asm Assad and Zuleida( Moscow)09:04 06.01.2025 like0 dislike5 Muskens, we are many Arab women who want...
Embracing violence as the defining characteristic of his rule, Arafat transformed the West Bank and Gaza into inveterate terrorist entities in line with his perennial ambition to make these territories springboards for ‘a popular armed revolution’ that would ‘force the Zionists to realize that it ...
American soil.FDR believed there werealready too many Jews in the U.S., and Churchill refused to take them on British soil or even to the Jew’s own homeland. After the war, the Jews began to find ways to sneak Jews into the holy land. The most famous of those missions The Exodus ...
There are not nearly enough people on the other side admitting that anything our side says is true. And there are too many people willing to lie through their teeth about Jews and Israel to know that crowdsourcing doesn’t work. Just look at X, whose community notes system is the model ...