It traced the detritus of a war that had sucked world powers into an uneasy détente: US and Russian troops in opposite corners of the country and a Turkish outpost in the north, while Iran and Israel turned Syria into another theatre of their shadow conflict. The slow demise of the Assad...
Many important allies of the UAA are anti-Muslim, far-right elements in Washington, including Republican Congressman Ted Yoho, the Family Research Council, as well as the FBI. ・ While the UAA claims to represent the interests of China's Uyghur and other Muslim minorities, many of its close...
181 2012 WEB #, which is politically unacceptable to many people, how much difference would it make to the problem if it were enacted tomorrow? # 182 2012 WEB #. A quick look in our papers shows just how much we have lost: our decency, honor, and all sense...
America turned a blind eye to Saddam's predations, saw him as the lesser evil or flinched at the chance to unseat him. No single policymaker or administration deserves blame for creating, or at least tolerating, a monster; many of their decisions seemed reasonable...
Tafuro Ambrosetti agreed, saying that the meeting between Putin and Conte along with other Italian leaders "sends a political message in regard to a country that does not have many political allies in Europe." In addition to Conte, Putin met with Italian President Sergio Mattarella, deputy prime...
Peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia – the most influential Arab country – would mark the end of the Sunni Arab states’ conflict with Israel since its inception in 1948 and would cement a moderate anti-Iran alliance among America’s Mideast allies. Trump could stand in line to receive the...
Among the missing countries, there are two which participate in the UN meetings as observers but do not have any say. These are The Vatican, also known as The Holy See, and Palestine which is part of Israel. Many people, like myself, will count both of these among their list of ...
THERE ARE many lessons to learn from historical mistakes, but some stand out. Lesson number one: if your enemy does not believe you have a credible military threat, they will give you only lip service. Lesson number two: the word “peace” means something very different to America and Isra...
What does this mean for Theologically Speaking? It will still be here. I have no plans to remove the articles that are here because they still get many visitors every day and I still get messages from people who are benefiting from reading them. I will still post here from time-to-time...
Question 3 to 5 are based on the news you have just heard.3. How many people live in the are a under control of Hamas?A) Two million.B)One million.C)One and one-half million.D)Half million.4. Hamas is supported by A) the United States B)the European Union C)Egypt D) Iran an...