Mediators say Israel and Hamas have agreed to a pause in fighting in Gaza and to begin releasing the hostages held there.
"No. Instead, the meeting focused on criticizing Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East," she said. "I am new around here, but I understand that's how the Council has operated, month after month, for decades." Actually, the monthly briefings have occurred for only the last ...
The Biden administration rallied its regional allies behindambitious postwar plansfora reformed Palestinian Authorityto govern and rebuild Gaza with the help of Arab and Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia, which the White House hopes will take the historic step of norm...
In the Middle East, our democratic ally Israel is at war withHamas(in Gaza), one of several proxies of terrorist, autocraticIran. In this conflict, we have two autocratic allies, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Egypt, which borders Gaza, is likely to play a significant role in achieving peace, ...
‘quiet diplomacy prior to the 1990s India’s West Asia policy was pro-Palestinian and not friendly towards Israel. the recent sale of major Israeli weapons systems to India points to Delhi’s preoccupation with larger concerns An Israeli strike on Iran would test the limits of flexibility in ...
Military actions should be accompanied by strengthening relations with local actors such as the Kurds and Druze in Syria. Maybe even the Alawites could become partners. Similarly, ethnic politics in Lebanon provide an opportunity for change. In any case, political engineering beyond Israel’s borders...
the endorsement, ended up writing the explanation of what happened – a statement that heavily implied that DSA had unendorsed Ocasio-Cortez for being too pro-Israel, even though the endorsement was actually withdrawn because Ocasio-Cortez’s allies in the New York City chapter asked t...
Russian President Vladimir Putin had decided to risk the possibility of military clashes with the United States and its European Allies, Saudi Arabia, other major Muslim nations and Israel by intervening in Syria ... Why It Really All Comes Down To The Death Of The Petrodollar Last week, ...
During the Second World War, the Allies firebombed Dresden. The United States committed the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War. The Israel Defence Forces, while trying to minimize casualties, have had to bomb targets in residential areas that housed terrorists, or were used as bases fo...
Pagers arestill out there. They're used mainly by doctors and drug pushers, some still work in low VHF, which has many advantages, and nowadays they have strong encryption. But as Israel dramatically showed, it's “encryption shmecryption” when you control the hardware. ...