Making art as a form of mental health treatment dates back to the mid-20th century, when soldiers returning from the battlefields of World War II were left with a condition that was known as “shell shock,” but is now calledpost-traumatic stress disorder. Veterans pai...
Such data may help to inform policy and design of mental health recovery programs and professional training, and provide a basis for further research in both consumer and practitioner experiences of the role of art making in mental health recovery.doi:10.5172/jamh.8.2.183...
Physical activities, in general, are great for your mental well-being, but the process of learning a martial art gives you a lot more than that. Learning a martial art is a social activity that helps build yourself-esteemthrough physical activity and the experiences you share with your trainin...
There are no downsides to learning a martial art. The physical fitness you gain from sticking with a martial art improves your health in different ways. For one thing, physical fitness is an immune booster in and of itself. This is over and above keeping lifestyle diseases at bay. Being p...
Mental health is all that everybody is running after. One way or another, everyone wants to improve mental health. There are tons of different reasons that are making mental health a great problem. Some of them are causing because of the increasing use of the mind as compared in the past...
art appreciation can also help you cope with stress, boost your self-esteem, and improve social skills. During an art therapy session, you might be encouraged to analyze the art you created, looking for themes or motivations beyond what might have been obvious to you when making the piece. ...
First, let’s look at the health benefits. Cycling can improve your health and burn extra body fat. Strengthening the leg muscles helps to increase your speed.2A long ride in the countryside could help you to clear your mind, or de-stress. But it’s not only about your body and mind-...
Each of these assumes that making art is something that other people do, such as children or “those with talent.” However, as I explain in my book “The Expressive Instinct,” art is intrinsic to human evolution and history. Just as sports or workouts exercise the body, creating art exe...
Improved Mental Health According to the American Psychological Association, insomnia not only takes years off your life, but is also associated with increased hopelessness, depression, and irritability. Improved sleep has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression as well as improve mood, memory, and...
Martial arts classes serve as a form of destructive therapy since they allow children to take out any frustration or anger they have on inanimate objects like a heavy bag or mitts. This helps to lower the child’s stress levels, protecting them against mental health disorders like depression....