Its snout was long and sharp, and it blew water almost like a whale; it has large broad paws; its body was covered with scales; its skin was rough and uneven; in other respects it was as a serpent; and when it dived, its tail, which was raised in the air, appeared to be a ...
As far back as Aristotle, people have theorized about how animals conceive of death, he explains–but formal study has been limited. Slowly, that’s starting to change through the emergence of the young discipline. Each new thanatological observation sheds light on where our own behaviors may ...
For example, did you know that Aristotle was a memory master? He was one of the first to write about the more advanced memory techniques based on the alphabet.Then there are the Aboriginal memory techniques discussed by people like Tyson Yunkaporta and Lynne Kelly....
What actually unfolded was one of the best and most exciting games I have seen in a long time, with Portugal going up 1-0 after a few minutes, Spain equalizing, then 2-1 for Portugal, then 2-2 and 2-3 (advantage Spain), and finally 3-3. (All Portuguese goals were scored by an ...
Perhaps the most revealing aspect of Liang Chi-chao's work was his sponsorship of a new writing style, which demonstrates his failure to grasp the fundamentals of the creative process. Liang followed Aristotle in describing scientific thinking as a process of syllogistic formulations, and followed ...
153. “Your desire for consistency itself will set you on the right path. As long as you keep going up, never mind if you come down once or twice.”— Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Which of these consistency quotes inspired you most? Consistency really is the difference between achieving your goal...
“I was broke from 19 to 26, borrowing money from my parents or my brothers or sisters every week to pay the bills.”– Chelsea Handler “If you’re running a business for the long term, the last thing you should be doing is borrowing money to buy back stock.”– Stanley Druckenmiller...
the view that everything obeys the second law of thermodynamics. From there it followed that our thoughts and beliefs are at the end of a long chain of statistical prediction modeling that’s necessary in the moment to export entropy. The story then pondered “what does it all mea...
Long life or short life is made all one by death. For long or short is not in thing that are no more. Aristotle saith, there are certaine little beasts alongst the river Hyspanis, that live but one day: she which dies at 8 o’clocke in the morning, dies in her youth, and she...
Kindi was not alone in his admiration of Greek texts, and even the caliph al‐Mamun is said to have dreamed about Aristotle. Yet this did not stop attacks from conservative religious thinkers who disapproved of Kindi’s unconventional views and objected to his radica...