An old pattern is there – movie marathon nights help dissociate me from the year that has been, one part of unlocking the door to summer. The other day, it was a good thing to wake up, gather my wife from her university work and into our truck, and get out for a drive. It set...
Was Charles Darwin knighted? What did Ferdinand Magellan do for a living? How long was Charles Darwin on the HMS Beagle voyage? How did Aristotle view the origin of different species? Which countries did Christopher Columbus discover? What foods did Christopher Columbus discover?
Aristotle uses the wordentelechiato describe the soul. This word was a novel coinage in Greek and it is rendered reasonably faithfully in English by a similarly novel (and clumsy) coinage proposed by translator Joe Sachs: “being-at-work-staying-itself.” This, according to Aristotle, is the...
What year did Aristotle write the Athenian Constitution? How old was Ramesses II when he died? What year did Kush conquer Upper and Lower Egypt? How long did Ancient Egypt last? Who was the last Hellenistic pharaoh of Egypt? Who were Smendes and Pindjem in ancient Egypt? What did Hatsheps...
according to Aristotle's own statement, a body's remnant that was abandoned by its soul can only homonymously be called that which it was when it was alive; third, the problem that form in hylomorphism seems to be nothing but a configuration of material parts, which, ...
Dr. Georg Winter has recently described a case somewhat similar, [6] and in reply to a question, kindly writes to me as follows:-"The case has been for a year and a half entirely removed from my observation. But so far as I am able to state, the man was characterised by a ...
Again, what we were told was a peace dividend after the collapse of the Soviet Union. We were going to cut our military budget from about $600 billion a year to $200 billion a year. — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 58 I am a Black Feminist. I mean I recognize that my power as well...
Around 300 BC Theophrastus, a student of Aristotle’s, wrote a book setting out the first rules for weather forecasting. In the Book of Signs, he recorded over 200 empirical indicators such as “A halo around the moon portends rain.” Many skeptics, including me, say we haven’t come ve...
Tyrants preserve themselves by sowing fear and mistrust among the citizens by means of spies, by distracting them with foreign wars, by eliminating men of spirit who might lead a revolution, by humbling the people, and making them incapable of decisive action. —Aristotle ...
It was clear, number one, all of those things were validated in literature to help including biofeedback, which is the science of breath work, which is like a 50-year-old’s science specialty ...