But before that, fasting was simply a way of life. With no storable grains, and few other foods that stayed fresh for very long, most of our ancestors experienced both feast and famine on a regular basis. When game was scarce, seasons changed, or the pickings were slim, hunter-gatherers ...
After reading Laura’s last post, I would reduce the nap to 1.5 hours. Our daughter did this not too long ago, she would take a regular nap and then cry for an hour before she fell asleep for the night…after she did that a few times I knew what needed to be done…the nap neede...
Jake Chan on August 1, 2019 at 10:29 pm I an trying to get to Misool from Sorong on 9th August. I have yet to find accommodation or home stay. Do you have any recommendations? I have also been told that will have to stay in Misool till 13th August when I prefer to return on...
Eat as much as you like of the above food items. Just remember: keep it simple. Pick three or four meals and repeat them. Almost all restaurants can give you a salad or vegetables in place of french fries or potatoes. Surprisingly, I have found Mexican food, swapping ou...
Now, I have to set the time frame so you can get the full affect of how long this pain lasted….it was at about 1am Saturday morning when I really began to realize i was in some trouble. At about 2:30am I woke S up and said I needed help (she had been asleep for about an ...
as I leave the room she screams until she gags so I have to bring her down stairs.once she finally falls asleep she wakes all the time and from 4:30 am that’s it I have no hope she doesn’t go back to sleep and i have to get up and won’t sleep again till like lunch time...