maltesefalcon45220 over a year ago I have what I belive is an prolapsed internal hemorrhoid. Its pretty large, about an inch long, 1/2 wide. Its going on day 5. Pain is less, but still there. How long will it take to heal?
3 months back. I have lost 5 kgs and everything was fine. This month I noticed that my period is 3 days late (which never happened before) and I'm losing a lot of hair as well(from the past 4 months) my fast time is 9pm to 2pm. I don't consume any solids during this time,...
and there are days when my hair doesn’t get combed until 2pm and literally all I do is take care of the baby, tidy the house, and make supper. Those are the days when we had a rough
Stir it till your arm falls off. Or till it looks like this. Have I mentioned that my kids drive me crazy? Now take your baking soda and add a cup of HOT water to it. Hopefully you are fortunate enough (like me) to have the hottest tap water in the world so you won’t have ...
We had the same flight 2 years ago, and had a long wait at the harbour until the 2pm ferry. I see on the schedule that there is a 9am express boat, which was not an option a couple of years ago. Can you please confirm that this express boat does run every day? Just trying to...
How long each side ?. Julie Sawyer on December 29th, 2023 - 5:25pm I am 51 and have suffered (currently to be accurate) with diverticulitis and constipation for years. Add menopause to the mix, I’ve been miserable. Just drank my first dose…praying to the old and the new poop ...
If you fast from 8pm till noon the next day, that’s 16 hours… easy, right? #TheWildDietShare on X When is the best time to work out, you ask? Generally, re-feeding with carbs and protein is best directly following the workout to maximize recovery and the anabolic response. I tend...
as I leave the room she screams until she gags so I have to bring her down stairs.once she finally falls asleep she wakes all the time and from 4:30 am that’s it I have no hope she doesn’t go back to sleep and i have to get up and won’t sleep again till like lunch time...
“Oh, you’re finally back! We’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” I didn’t know what it meant by “we”, considering there wasn’t a living thing in sight for miles. “Hey, wanna play a game?” I pondered whether to choose yes or not, considering I didn’t feel li...
A typical day of use, and I'd still have around 50% left. Now, it barely has 30-35% left at the end of the average day (I've had several unusually long days result in less than 10% left), and there has been no change in my activities or use. My husband said he's noticed ...