Pregnant GloFish Most fish species lay eggs. However, a fewproduce live young,including guppies, mollies, and swordfish. Spawning strategies for survival range from producing a lot of eggs — thus increasing the chance that some will escape predators — to offering some parental protection. Other ...
Pregnant GloFish Most fish species lay eggs. However, a fewproduce live young,including guppies, mollies, and swordfish. Spawning strategies for survival range from producing a lot of eggs — thus increasing the chance that some will escape predators — to offering some parental protection. Other ...
Eventually, the female will have black eggs attached to her, underneath her tail. Nutrition and water quality are essential for babies to develop and survive. The pregnant female will also stay in hiding (for the most part) as the eggs develop, only coming out to eat, so I would place f...
What are planaria and how do you identify them? Planaria are a variety of flatworm that are considered a pest by the majority of aquarists. These flatworms can quickly multiply in number and, as you will soon learn, can be dangerous to other members of your aquarium. ...
Breed Guppies How toCare for an Angelfish How to Tell If a Guppy Is Male or Female How toTell the Sex of an Angelfish How toFeed Guppies How toTake Care of Baby Platy Fish How toCare for Guppies How toHelp Guppy Fry Grow How toFind Out if Your Guppy Is Pregnant How toSet up a ...
Feed Guppies How toTake Care of Baby Platy Fish How toCare for Guppies How toHelp Guppy Fry Grow How toFind Out if Your Guppy Is Pregnant How toSet up a Guppy Tank How toBreed Angelfish How to Make a DIY Koi Pond on a Budget How toTake Care of Molly Fry How toCare for an ...
Avoid pairing goldfish in a tank with other fish who are radically different, like zebra fish or guppies. They tend to stress goldfish out and stress is a big contributor to swim bladder disease. If you feed your goldfish food balls, they might get stuck in your fish's small intestine....
A quick online search can usually tell you whether your species of fish gives birth to live young, or whether it lays eggs. This tells you whether you should be on the lookout for a bulging pregnant abdomen, or for tiny jelly-ball eggs in...