Guppies reach adulthood at roughly 6 months of age. A mature female guppy can grow to be 1.5-2 inches long depending on genetics and environmental factors. Their development will come to a halt or severely slow down at this stage. What Are The Most Common Causes of Death for Guppies? The...
Bye, Bye, Love Because males will chase, harass and exhaust her, the female needs to be separated from the boys as soon as you realize she’s pregnant. If you can’t move her to her own tank, equip the community aquarium with a false-bottom breeder box and put her in it until she...
After 3 - 4 months zebrafish are sexually mature and can generate new offspring. A single female can layup to 200 eggs per week. Can zebra Danios mate with guppies? Guppies, live bearers themselves, and zebra danios getalong well with many of the common types of live-bearing fish. .....
Monitor the pregnant female for the next two or three weeks as the eggs develop in her mouth. This time period is referred to as the holding period. During this time the female will eat very little and may avoid opening her mouth at all. Make sure there are plenty of hiding places in ...
The fertilized eggs mature and hatch inside the female, who then gives birth to live offspring. The birthing process takes between six and 12 hours depending on the species and the number of fry. Many species of fish eat their young, including guppies. Therefore, it's often a good idea to...
The fertilized eggs mature and hatch inside the female, who then gives birth to live offspring. The birthing process takes between six and 12 hours depending on the species and the number of fry. Many species of fish eat their young, including guppies. Therefore, it's often a good idea to...
Planaria are small. Very small. Measuring around 0.1 to 0.6 inches, so they are easy to miss. In fact, you likely won’t notice them at all unless they grow in number or bravely slide their way over your aquarium glass. Not a pretty sight, huh?
Eventually, the female will have black eggs attached to her, underneath her tail. Nutrition and water quality are essential for babies to develop and survive. The pregnant female will also stay in hiding (for the most part) as the eggs develop, only coming out to eat, so I would place ...
Pregnant female fish often develop a "gravid spot" on the abdomen near the rear vent. This is typically black or bright red, and grows more pronounced over the course of the pregnancy.[3] Some fish always have this spot, but it will typically grow brighter or darker during once the fis...
Mollies are an ideal choice of live bearing fish (i.e. they don't lay eggs) to place in a community aquarium or fish tank. For the most part, mollies are very easy to breed. A single female can produce over one hundred baby mollies, also...