neutrophil, lactate dehydrogenase) which are routinely monitored in daily clinical practice with a blood test. The models can be used at any time point after the initiation of treatment - an important feature since a patient's condition can change. The six models were developed in approximately...
Patients with advanced cancer and their carers often wish to know how long they have left to live. This information is also important forcliniciansto help them plan appropriate care. Clinician predictions of survival are the mainstay of current practice, but are unreliable, over-optimistic and sub...
chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and so-called "targeted" therapy, which involves the use of drugs or monoclonal antibodies to attack specific cancer cells. Which specific treatment regimen is appropriate depends on the patient's age and general health - and upon the tumor's location and ...
How long can a person live with secondary bone cancer? How long can a person live with breast cancer? How long can a person live with metastatic liver cancer? How long is chemotherapy for stomach cancer? How long can an oral cancer patient live? What is the life expectancy of someon...
How long does bladder cancer surgery take? How often is chemo given for lung cancer? How often does stage 1 breast cancer metastasis? How long can a lung cancer patient live without treatment? How often is chemo given for ovarian cancer?
There are plenty of ways a girl in your condition can make a living.待产的女人不该做整天站着的工作,不过别担心,像你这样情况的女孩还是有很多方法谋生的。on one's feet:(某人)长时间站着朗文英语释义:to be standing for a long time without having time to sit down例句:The worst thing about ...
CANCER patientsPHYSICIANSNUTRITIONAL assessmentCANCER patient careNUTRITIONISTSMalnutrition in cancer patients is a severe clinical problem. One of the factors determining nutritional status is nutritional intake. The ability to provide adequate oral nutrition in cancer patients is mainly determine...
“Occasionally you might use [TC chemo] in a smalltriple-negative cancerthat you think might need chemotherapy, or in an older patient who might not handle a more intensive regimen like AC chemotherapy, which can cause heart damage,” Dr. Rodgers adds. Triple-negative breast cancer means the...
Complex skin cancer treatment requiring reconstructive plastic surgery: an interview study on the experiences and needs of patients To provide patient-centered care, it is essential to explore what patients consider important and to adjust care accordingly. This may specifically be rele... SV Egmond,...
Finally, the story about learning how to be patient. It was the week of Christmas and I had to mail a package at the last minute. I rushed into the post office and stopped quickly when I noticed the long line ahead of me. Then I saw that there was only one person working. I was...