How long can lymph nodes stay swollen after mono? How are bacterial endospores and cysts of protozoa alike? How do they differ? What is MRSA and how is it spread and treated? What are some of its characteristics? How is it that antibiotic resistance can spread among different species of ...
Because the symptoms of norovirus are similar to those of other common viral diarrheas likerotavirus, it is necessary to do specific tests to identify the virus. Norovirus cannot be cultured in a laboratory. However, the RNA inside the virus may be detected directly usingpolymerase chain reaction...
But in truth it was God that gave me the cure as a result of a lot of prayer a lot of courage and a lot of recklessness and a lot of research and a lot of careful meticulous testing with a continuous glucose monitor in collaboration with my good friend and ex boss Brian Bain, my ...
Gyromitrinis a toxin found in the genusGyromita, a well-known lookalike for Morel mushrooms. This toxin is metabolized in the body and converted into monomethylhydrazine, a potent convulsant and carcinogen. Symptoms of poisoning can include nausea, stomach cramps, and diarrhea, while in severe ca...
Beatitude (French): Feeling supreme happiness; a state of blessedness. Bedgasm: A feeling of complete and utter euphoria experienced when climbing into bed at the end of a very long day. Befuddled: Feeling confused, perplexed. Beleaguered:Suffering or being subjected to constant and repeated diff...
I spent almost a decade undiagnosed because I only had one marker tested. My thyroid condition was missed completely, leading me to deal with needless “mystery” symptoms like chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, and many others, for far too long!
I’d like it though if you added CrossFit to your list of exercises. Why – because it works. I have Hashimotos and have tried all that you have listed .. For three long years. I didn’t lose the inches until I did CrossFit! They promote a Paleo lifestyle as well and all the ...
How long do people with Rett syndrome live? Is Rett syndrome comorbid with autism? Are there any prenatal tests for Rett syndrome? Does Rett syndrome affect the brain? Is Rett syndrome an intellectual disability? What is the survival rate of Rett syndrome?
reveal the amounts of MUFA (mono unsaturated fatty acids) which are arguably “heart healthy”. Nor does it address the important issue of protective polyphenols and anti-oxidants (such as in Extra Virgin Olive oil aka EVOO). So do not make choices of oil based only on the omega-3/6 ...
Symptoms of infectious mononucleosis Symptoms of the disease often resemble flu or a cold, so they can be misinterpreted. The mononucleosis hatching period is quite long and ranges from 30 to 50 days. Initially, the patient is accompanied by general weakness and fatigue as well as headaches, mus...