Obviously, my calculation is simplistic because we all die at some point. My calculation is based on cash flow into perpetuity. To counteract the perpetuity, I assign a Probability of Payout percent. Further, we all won't have surviving spouses to continue receiving the pension long after we'...
Anydebt that is owed inside a retirement planusually is considered to be a joint obligation. For example, if the participant spouse took out a $50,000 loan from their 401(k) plan account with $200,000 in assets, then a 50-50 split would be calculated on the remaining balance unless ...
The primary penalty for early withdrawals is a 10% additional tax imposed by the IRS. This penalty is calculated on the amount withdrawn and is in addition to the regular income tax you owe on the distribution. The early withdrawal penalty is intended to discourage individuals from tapping into...
a federal law governing certain “qualified” retirement accounts. Qualified plans include a 401(k), 403(b), and many pension plans. In order to divide the qualified plan, a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) or (EDRO) must be submitted with the divorce decree. ...