In addition, if a divorce decree does not address retirement benefits, then the former spouse will have no rights by using the divorce decree to obtain a QDRO. The only way to obtain a QDRO in this instance would be to reopen the divorce proceeding, which could be costly and take several...
One advantage of receiving a lump sum pension is that it allows retirees to have control over their retirement funds. They can decide how to invest or use the money according to their financial goals and needs. Some retirees may choose to invest the lump sum in other assets, such as real ...
As mentioned above, those who understand the general rules of how plans are divided are better prepared to assess whether they get or retain what they should. Nonparticipant spouses have the right to obtain complete information about all retirement plan balances oraccount balancesthat the other sp...
If you've got a pension, count yourself as one of the lucky ones. A pension is more valuable than you realize. With a pension, you won't be forced tolower your safe withdrawal ratein retirement like those of use who don't have pensions. This post will help you calculate the value o...