Created in the 1960s, this additive is now found in numerous processed foods, including many sodas. The syrup has become popular for food makers because it's cheaper than white sugar. HFCS has a reputation for being unhealthy and fattening, which you can read more about in the article How...
4, and 5 in Fig.1), with the latter caused by the supply of infrastructure, aircraft, fuel (fossil or synthetic), and by DACCS operation. Surface emissions include CO2and SLCF, such as methane, hydrogen, and refrigerants (CFCs, HCFCs, and HFCs). Flight ...
HFCsPrecautionary principleOzone holeThe Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Montreal Protocol) is widely considered to be the most successful multilateral environmental agreement (MEA) because: 1) it is working to protect the ozone layer, 2) it is the only treaty that ...
Beekeepers, like everyone else, will be affected by what is being called the “third industrial revolution.”The first industrial revolution was use of new sources of energy to produce goods and services.The second involved information theory.That is now maturing as part of the “information” a...
HFCsPrecautionary principleOzone holeThe Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer ( Montreal Protocol ) is widely considered to be the most successful multilateral environmental agreement (MEA) because: 1) it is working to protect the ozone layer, 2) it is the only treaty that...