if the person has nosebleeds and any underlying disease that may affect blood clotting, such asliverdisease, kidney disease, orhemophilia(inability of blood to clot); or if the person has nosebleeds and recently hadchemotherapy. Go to the hospital if the person with the nosebleed: is still b...
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What is hemophilia? How is it inherited? Make a pedigree to illustrate its pattern of inheritance. What is the difference between hereditary and genetic? What are dominant and recessive genes? The most common blood typing is ABO Rh. What blood type is the universal donor? Why?
Question: Explain how a pedigree is used to determine how a particular human trait is inherited. Heredity: Heredity is simply the process of passing on specific traits to individual offspring. These traits are passed on from parents to offspring through DNA (which is the ...
One result -- Queen Victoria, who passed along a tendency toward hemophilia to generations of British royals. Royals have a long history of mental deficiencies, insanity and other congenital defects [source: Shaw]. Royal Scandal Royal misbehavior was punished harshly during the French Revolution. ...
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Queen Victoria was a carrier of the defective gene responsible for hemophilia, and through her it was transmitted to the royal families of Russia, Spain, and Prussia. Minor cuts and bruises, which would do little harm to most people, can prove fatal to hemophiliacs, who lack the proteins(...
Therefore, all patients with suspected CD should be referred to a hemophilia treatment center to secure the diagnosis, perform a family screening, and determine a comprehensive treatment plan in case of an emergency or an elective surgery. Before considering a congenital fibrinogen disorder in an ...
Describe Sickle Cell Anemia. Include the part of the blood cell damaged also why it is so dangerous. Explain the difference between the blood disorders Anemia and Hemophilia. Define the term anemia. Define the following term: Anemia. What is anemia?
What is its connection with the evolution of human skin colour? a. What is hemophilia? b. How is it inherited (genetics)? c. What is the treatment for hemophilia? What is the only way for a recessive allele to be expressed in simple dominance? How genetic markers and DNA microarrays ...