Phi (Bin vs Bin): Phi coefficient measures the correlation between two dichotomous variables. The phi coefficient is the linear correlation of an underlying bivariate discrete distribution [33]-[35]. The Phi correlation is calculated asr=X2/N, where N is the number of subjects and X2is the ...
How is inflation calculated using the CPI, and also using the GDP deflator?1. What is Forecasting? Let's say you are dealing with a time series data set t = 1,2,..t. Your model is \pi_t = \beta_0 + \beta_1 GDP + u_t, where \pi_t...
The water-use efficiency (WUE, kg ha−1 mm−1) was calculated as follows: WUE = Y/(Ptotal + ∆Wtotal), (2) where Y is the grain yield (kg ha−1), Ptotal is the total precipitation (mm) over the growing season, and ∆Wtotal is the change in soil moisture (mm) in ...
They calculated that while initial costs are higher for the renewable energy technology, the operation and maintenance costs are lower. They concluded that because initial costs are very important to farmers, as well as to planners, it is necessary for the government to support the initial cost ...