¶This is calculated with purchasing power parity exchange rates. Sources: S&P Global Economics, Oxford Economics. While the threat from COVID-19 persists, many key economies fared better than expected in the third quarter as households stepped up spending in the U.S....
Another possible option not rreeccooggnniizzeeddpprreevvioiouuslsylybbyyceclel-lls-isziezemmeteatbaobloiclisccsaclianlgintghethoeryoriys ciselcl emllumltiuplltiicpaltiicoan- tcioounpcloeudpwleidthwceitlhl-sciezlel-rseizdeurcetidounc(thioynp(ehrpyplaesripalaansida haynpdohtryoppohtryo, rpehsyu,l...
5% 98.1 0.7 0 Mild lameness: 10%/severe lameness: 15% 97.1 9.5 0.4 Mild lameness: 40%/severe lameness: 15% 99.2 1.8 0.1 Mild lameness: 70%/severe lameness: 15% 99.7 0.2 0 A The reported percentages are calculated predicted probabilities for an average expert based on the mixed effects ...