And they didn't come with a "stereoscope"; you can't view ionising radiation with a View-Master. They came with a spinthariscope. (Perhaps the original piece as written had this right, but a sub-editor helpfully "corrected" it.) That's a simulation, via Theo Gray, of what a spinth...
For high-LET radiation, such as alpha particles from radon decay products, there’s more a priori reason to believe LNT would be a good model, and less empirical evidence suggesting that it is a bad model. It might be hard for the agencies to explicitly disavow LNT in these circumstances....
Alpha decay is the most common method of radioactive decay. During alpha decay, the unstable element ejects a duly ionized helium nucleus known as an alpha particle. In fact, all the helium on earth comes from the decay of uranium and other elements underground. Although alpha particles are v...
It can be concluded that autoclave is discarded by most authors, except in 3D printing, which seems to be gaining relevance. Ionising radiation (gamma radiation and electron beam) can be effective as long as the dose is controlled to avoid severe changes. The HPGP and new scCO2seem to be...