Unit 9 How I Found My Voice课文翻译综合教程四Unit 9 How I Found My VoiceJames Earl Jones1 Today I am known for my voice as much a
How I Found My Voice James Earl Jones 1Today I am known for my voice as much as for my acting. It has been my good fortune to receive jobs such as the speaking role of Darth Vader in George Lucas’sStar Warstrilogy and the voice-over announcer for CNN cable television. I also narrat...
Unit 13 Marriage课文翻译综合教程四 热度: Unit9 HowIFoundMyVoice JamesEarlJones 1TodayIamknownformyvoiceasmuchasformyacting.Ithasbeenmygood fortunetoreceivejobssuchasthespeakingroleofDarthVaderinGeorgeLucas’s ...
How I Found My Voice James Earl Jones 1Today I am known for my voice as much as for my acting. It has been my good fortune to receive jobs such as the speaking role of Darth Vader in George Lucas’sStar Warstrilogy and the voice-over announcer for CNN cable television. I also narrat...
unit3couldyoupleasetellmewheretherestroomsare课文翻译(实用应用文) 热度: 新标准大学英语综合教程3课文翻译(实用应用文) 热度: Unit9HowIFoundMyVoice课文翻译综合教程四 文档信息 主题: 关于“外语学习”中“翻译基础知识”的参考范文。 属性: F-0T4ZC7,doc格式,正文9537字。质优实惠,欢迎下载!
Today I am known for my voice as much as for my acting.现如今我因自己的声音表演和舞台表演而出名。It has been my good fortune to receive jobs such as the speaking role of Darth Vader in George Lucas’s Star Wars trilogy and the voice-over announcer for CNN cable television.我有幸能够...
HOW I FOUND MY VOICE James Earl Jones Today I am known for my voice as much as for my acting. It has been my good fortune to receive jobs such as the speaking role of Darth Vader in George Lucas’s Star Wars trilogy and the voice-over announcer for CNN cable ...
综合英语4 How_I_Found_My_Voice1 文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系网站或本 JamesEarlJones人詹删除姆。斯·厄尔·琼斯 ➢JamesEarlJonesisoneofAmerica’smostdistinguishedandversatileactors.➢Heisbestknownforhisimpressivebassovoice.➢Heappearedinmanyroles,includingthevoice-...
Unit 9 课件How_I_Found_My_Voice HowIFoundMyVoice BYRose2014.09 MainContent HowIFoundMyVoice(Thetextisanautobiographicalnarrationofasuccessfulactorandtelevisionannouncerwhohadseverestutterinhisearlychildhood.)TextIHowIFoundMyVoice •Pre-readingquestions•1.Haveyoueverspokentoalargeaudience?Howdidyoufeel?