in class 是定语从句,先行词是 students。难词注解教材原文课文翻译尽管学生们何时(对课堂)① perceive ut. 察 ;感兴趣、何时感到无聊或精力不理解集中是容易察觉的,但要发现学 distinguish vi.While it is easy to perceive when students are interested,生何时有困扰有时会难得多。bored, or distracted, it ...
词汇积累教材原文课文译文①educator/'ed3ukerta(r)/HOW DO I KNOW MY STUDENTS?我如何了解我的学生?n.教师;教育工作者;教As an educator①, people often ask me how I know作为一名教育工作育家what is going on in the minds of my students [1]. Many者,人们经常问我如何了②not(all)that不那么...
As an educator, people often ask me how I know what is going on in the minds of my students. Many students are quite shy and don’t speak all that much. At the same time, in a classroom of more than forty stu...
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新人教版高中英语选修一unit 4写作课件unit 4《Body Language》How do I know my students?小樱桃老师123 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多3244 -- 0:31 App 新人教版高中英语选修一unit 3写作课件unit 3《Fascinating parks》writing部分 Theme parks 3000 -- 0:32 App 新人教版高中英语必修...
原文再现译文参照HOW DO I KNOW MY STUDENTS?我如何了解我的学生?As an educator, people often ask me how I know what is going作为一名教师(educator),人们经常问我,我on in the minds of my students". Many students are quite shy and怎么知道自己的学生在想什么。 许多学生相当害don't speak all th...
原文呈现HOW DO I KNOW MY STUDENTS?As an educator, people often ask me how I know what is going on in the how在此引导宾语从句;从句中又包含minds of my students. Many students are quite shy and don't speak all that much.一个what引导的宾语从句。At the same time, in a classroom of mo...
How Do I Know My Students 写作教学设计 维克多英语· 出品 Unit 4 Body Language 教学设计 Period 4 Writing 潍坊一中 尹晓梅 01 教学内容分析 活动主题:该部分的活动主题是“描述课堂里的肢体语言”(Describe classroom body language)。选择这一主题的目的是体现肢体语言与学生的学习以及教师的教学之间存在紧密的...
K.I.S.S. 3-K Camp by:嘻哈有态度 272 K.I.S.S. 3-K Camp by:嘻哈有态度 105 K.I.S.S. 2-K Camp by:嘻哈有态度 1.4万 How Do Dinosaur by:岗辙 2340 How Do dinosours by:幸福是一种心态_nf 352 After I Do by:One5640856095 ...