Light therapy can slow down fast-growing skin cells in people who have psoriasis. It’s usually something a dermatologist will do in their office a few times a week. But there are some at-home kits you can use. Ask your doctor about them. Types of phototherapy for psoriasis include: Narr...
SCD was on the backburner, so several months later when my GI doctor said I'd need to start Remicade (which didn't sound likely to work for me) or have surgery, I thought, "Hey, doesn't this sound extreme? I haven't even tried all my options yet." I decided to try SCD for 3...
So, I didn’t have a great idea of whether the program was going to work or not. Fast forward to today, and we’ve been with Liberty HealthShare for about seven years. We’ve all of us seen the doctor and have even had a few procedures done – including some major surgeries. Now...