SCD was on the backburner, so several months later when my GI doctor said I'd need to start Remicade (which didn't sound likely to work for me) or have surgery, I thought, "Hey, doesn't this sound extreme? I haven't even tried all my options yet." I decided to try SCD for 3...
How does the discount work? There is no contract with the providers, so why would they honor the discount? What happens if they don’t accept the discount? Reply Greg Johnson says: Hey Steve, They negotiate bills similar to how an insurance company would negotiate. You can also negotiate...
Thankfully, I’m going on 7 years of receiving Remicade infs., but the process leading up to it, though. ? A resounding “YASS” to your statement regarding just putting makeup on; huge inner BOOST! ? September 10, 2016 at 1:36 pm LaMaitresse Not to be intrusive or out of ...
Since that was settled, I have been having left breathing weakness (but not in the most extremities like I don't have to use a ventilator but, that nerve right down there does affect my left lower breathing a lot). I also am experiencing quite a bit of cartilage inflammation in my neck...