How far away is Canis Minor from Earth? How far away is Alpha Centauri from Earth? What is the closest spiral galaxy to Earth? What is the angular size of the Orion nebula? How far away is Venus from the sun in miles? How far has the Hubble Space Telescope traveled?
The article discusses how identifying the various regions within the Orion Nebula (M42) could help astronomers understand how stars and planets form. Topics include how stars are formed within the Orion Nebula, a three-dimensional (3D) diagram showing a region within M42 near the Trapezium star ...
In this post, I’ll break down how to photograph theOrion Nebula, one of the most spectacular deep-sky objects in the night sky. While it may just look like a smudge to the naked eye, Orion is the nearest, large star-forming region to Earth at just 1,500 light years away. When yo...
How far is the Earth from the Sun? What is the distance between Neptune and the sun? How far is the planet Pluto from the sun? How far are the gas planets from the Sun? What is the distance between the sun and Saturn? How far away is Alpha Centauri from Earth?
It’s all too easy to burn out the core of the Orion Nebula in astrophotos, leading to a nebula that looks beautiful around the outside but a pure-white mess in the middle. This is a simple method for restoring the core to produce a high-dynamic-range (HDR) image of the nebula sim...
The water coming out of these vents is 230 to 662 degrees Fahrenheit (110 to 350 degrees Celsius). How can these animals survive so far from the sunlight, under these extreme conditions? In the water, scientists found species of bacteria that split hydrogen sulfide from the water to get ...
The reflector telescope, which uses mirrors instead of the lenses. Both types accomplish exactly the same thing, but in completely different ways. To understand how telescopes work, let's ask the following question. Why can't you see an object that is far away? For example, why can't...
My very first telescope cost about $400, and it was an amazing entry point into astronomy. It allowed me to find and observe objects in the night sky like theOrion Nebulaand the planetSaturnfor the first time. It was a portable tabletopDobsonian telescopewith a large aperture (compared to ...
I'm a huge newbie but as far as I understand it...the camera has to be in sync with Earth's rotation, or the stars WILL blur. I take pictures with a Dwarf camera, and the longest exposure it can take is 15 seconds. any longer, and you will get 'star trails" or 'blurring'. ...
Same for the Orion Nebula, by the way. I'm sure that many people who think they're seeing the nebula are actually seeing the mini-star cluster composed of the various components of Theta 1 and Theta 2 Orionis. A filter makes the distinction obvious. ...