What is the angular size of the Orion nebula? What is the average size of a comet? How wide is the Kuiper belt? How big is the Kepler Space Telescope? What is the largest star in our galaxy? What is the size of a red giant?
What is the angular size of the Sun from Earth? What is the angular size of the Andromeda galaxy? What is the angular size of Copernicus Crater? What is the angular size of the Orion nebula? What is the diameter of the Earth's moon?
Helix Nebula (one of the closest to the Earth of all the bright planetary nebulae) - 3 LightyearsOrion Nebula (brightest nebulae, and is visible to the naked eye in the night sky) - 24 light yearsOmega Centauri (largest globular cluster in the Milky Way) - 150 light yearsSmall ...
Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star in the constellation of Orion. The name "Betelgeuse" is a bad translation of the Arabic word "bat al-jawz?", which translates to "giant's shoulder" or "giant's armpit," and is also named Alpha Orionis. It is the alpha-star in the constellation ...
My best views ever of Jupiter were through my C11 late in the evening on a very clear night with excellent seeing. Views of the Orion Nebula are some of the most memorable ones I've ever had through the C11. As I said, I love my Edge 8, and the views through it are also very ...
Betelgeuse, also designated Alpha Orionis is a redsupergiantand the ninth-brightest star in the night sky and second-brightest in the constellation of Orion. Once the largest know star(not anymore),VY Canis Majoris(VY CMa) is a red hypergiant star located in the constellation Canis Major. It...
Astronomers using the National Science Foundation's Green Bank Telescope have discovered that filaments of star-forming gas near the Orion Nebula may be brimming with pebble-size particles -- planetary building blocks 100 to 1,000 times larger than the dust grains typically found around protostars....
In a classical cassegrain with a 15.55 inches primary mirror and a 5.3 inches secondary mirror, f/9, would this size of a secondary mirror reduce contrast too much for planets? Also for planatary nebula and small galaxies? I am very bad at maths, but I think the secondary obstruction is...
Would be interesting to know if every 127mm Maksutov (no matter the manufacturer) there has an effective diameter of 120mm. Well, the Synta 127 Maks (Orion, Skywatcher, Celestron, others) probably do, but, who really knows? The Explore Sci. 127 Mak, which is not made by Synta (I ...
What is the angular size of the Orion nebula? How many arcminutes is 5 in angular size? What is the moon's angular size in arcseconds? What is the angular size of the Sun from mars? What is the angular size of Jupiter? What is angular distance in astronomy? What is angular size in...