Musk has also used his platform to go head-to-head with election officials who try to refute his conspiracies. This weekend he posted on X claiming that Michigan has more registered voters than eligible citizens.Michigan Secretary of State Joceyln Bensonresponded with a correction, saying that th...
"The whole US government has been doing this," Musk wrote Sept. 30 along with his repost. On Oct. 6, Musk’s line of criticism went further when he reposted a False claim from End Wokeness, a pro-Trump X account with 3.1 million followers, asserting that FEMA was focusing its disa...
A second clip fromArma 3, posted to TikTok with the caption "Israeli attack begins," spread on Twitter/X via multiple accounts. Elon Musk, owner of the company formerly known as Twitter, recommended that his 140 million followers get news on the conflict via two accounts known for antisemiti...
Well, “violence and instability” finally came to Twitter in the form of Elon Musk’s ownership. In almost every way, his stewardship has been the polar opposite of the previous regime’s. Politically, to be sure. But more notably, whereas Twitter was previously known as a company that ra...
More recently, Google and Elon Musk are racing against each other to release self-driving cars into the world. With all these new ideas being introduced into the marketplace, companies need a long-term strategy to adapt, compete, and survive in this new digital landscape. ...
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, emphasizes, “Focus on signal over noise. Don’t waste time on stuff that doesn’t actually make things better.” Break down the project into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This not only provides direction but...