Elon Musk is now the most followed personon Twitter. Musk, who is also the platform’s owner and chief executive, became the most followed account on Thursday evening when he reached approximately 133.05 million followers, passing former President Barack Obama, who has about 133.04 million f...
Musk, who has 45.2 million followers on Twitter, has been highly engaged in the recent retail trading frenzy, tweeting about specific companies and cryptocurrencies and helping send their prices soaring. Shares in GameStop, Etsy and CD Projekt have jumped following comments about them on...
Elon Musk is joining Twitter’s board of directors, one day after it was disclosed that the Tesla CEO took a 9% stake in the social media platform.
Musk has disputed Twitter's internal estimatethat spam and fake accounts make up less than 5% of the platform's users, and he claimed that the company breached its obligations under the merger agreement by "actively resisting and thwarting" his right to information on the spam and fake account...
“埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)对该平台也产生了类似的影响。 2021年1月华盛顿美国国会大厦遭到袭击后,推特永久停职特朗普总统,理由是 “进一步煽动暴力的风险". 在对Twitter用户进行民意调查后,马斯克于11月19日恢复了他的账户,尽管特朗普随后没有在推特上发表。
cartoonist Ben Garrison depicted the acquisition like this: Musk as a half-man, half-cat, breaking into Twitter’s bird cage, stroking the bird’s head menacingly and purring: “Pretty bird! I’m gonna teach you to say ‘free speech!’” This is meant to be a positive take on the ...
But there's one right-wing lighting rod the billionaire won't allow back on the platform, Musk told his followers on Sunday: Alex Jones. The conspiracy theorist and founder of Infowars was banned from Twitter back in 2018 for abusive behavior. ...
Elon Musk has officially become Twitter’s most followed person. As of writing, the Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter CEO has garnered a total of 133,075,610 followers, exceeding former US President Barack Obama’s 133,042,018. Obama had held the title of Twitter’s most followed person for se...
"GeoMFilms" 呈现了一场夸张且富有讽刺意味的推特会议情景,埃隆·马斯克-这个有趣或夸张的自我影像,在一场关于性别和代名词敏感性的倡导下,解雇了被认定为‘Woke’(激进左派)的员工。这场幽默片段包含了对一位名为“Leslie”的身份模糊的员工的小插曲,其引发了一些有关工作场所政治、人力资源影响以及对于性别的预设...
Tesla chief executive Elon Musk has sold around $5bn of shares in the electric carmaker.特斯拉总裁埃隆·马斯克已卖出他在特斯拉电动汽车公司价值约50亿美元(约合人民币320亿元)的股票。It comes days after he asked his 63 million Twitter followers whether he should sell 10% of his stake in Tesla....