Why are they so effective and why should everybody do it? The reason pull-ups are so incredibly effective is that they activate almost every single upper body, including your core. They activate and work the triceps, biceps, forearms, wrists, lats (latissimus dorsi) and shoulders....
Pull-ups are very simple but very hard. Most people think they know how to do pull-ups but there are quite a few variations on the proper form that some hardos might frown on, but still count as legitimate pull-ups. To perform a pull-up, hang on to any bar, doorway, tree branch,...
Pull-ups are a classic exercise used to measure upper body strength because they require enough power to “pull” your entire body weight up, working against gravity. To do a pull-up, you need to grab onto your pull-up bar with straight arms, set your shoulders, and engage your back an...
Doing more pull-ups seems like a no-brainer. If you want to get better at something, you need to do it more often. Pull-ups are no different. The beauty of this exercise as it requires only your bodyweight and no special equipment other than a bar to hang from. Further, it doesn’...
You do not need the gym to pull off the humble pull-up. All you need is a door frame and a pull-up bar, and you are good to go. So, why is it that many of us…
The pull-up is one of the most effective and accessible back exercises one can incorporate into a workout routine. The pull-up is a bodyweight exercise that involves pulling up one’s body against gravity, typically gripping a horizontal bar, utilizing several muscle groups in the arms, back...
The Real Reason Why Your Pull Ups Suck “Pullups are one of the best bodyweight exercises that you can do to build a bigger back at home or at the gym. The problem is, the exercise can be very difficult to do many reps even for the most seasoned lifters. In this video, I show ...
The more pull ups you do, the more efficient your neuromuscular system becomes. In other words, the movement becomes hard wired into your brain and body. There are tons of different ways to practice doing pull ups. You can get a pull up bar for your office or in your home, and just ...
Want to know how to do more pull-ups? Here are 5 tips 1. Dead Hang Most people tend to skip this bit and go straight to the pull-ups, but being able to hang from the bar is an important step in increasing the number of pull-ups you can do. It is also fundamental toimproving ...
Some pull-up bars may also seem way too low for you to do pull-ups on them, but, again, you just have to use your head. If you find a low bar, you can do sitting pull-ups, that are just as effective. If the bar is too low, you might get a lower range of motion than you...