Does my employer have to give me time off to vote? Yes. Your employer must provide paid time off to vote if you do not have two consecutive hours outside of working time to vote, according to theTexas Workforce Commission. Related:In ‘voting deserts,’ D-FW advocacy grou...
In terms of share of the vote, however, he increased his in more counties than any other candidate since at least 2004, and he recorded the highest Republican vote share this century in more than two-thirds of counties across America. Most of those improvements weren't by much, however. J...
But the Constitution merely states that the federal enclave cannot exceed “10 miles square”; it does not prohibit carving out a limited area for government buildings that remains under federal control, while making the rest of the district into a state. the "murder capital...
when Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio and Sen. Barbara Boxer of California, both Democrats, objected to Ohio’s electoral votes, claiming there were voting irregularities. Both the House and Senate debated the objection and easily rejected it. It was only the second time such ...
theNational Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which has beenadopted by 17 states and Washington, D,C.That proposal would ensure that the winner of the popular vote gets all of the electoral votes in the states that signed the compact — but it would only go into effect if enough states ...
Shirley Easton, an 85-year-old Tucson, Arizona, resident who described her mental state as “scared out of my mind,” said she had been mailing postcards to persuade people to vote for Harris. Easton said she feared for the future of her seven granddaughters after the U.S. ...
How does the Electoral College work? How many Electoral College votes does Washington state have? If the election relied solely on the popular vote, how might many Americans votes 'not count' toward the election outcome? What is the length of a presidential term?
How does Super Tuesday work? Registered votersin the states holding presidential nominating contests willgo to the polls and vote on March 5. Fifteen states are holding GOP contests on Super Tuesday. Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma,...
Election Day is typically the end of the contentious fight for the White House. But it could just be the beginning. With both Democrats and Republicans preparing for possible legal fights over the vote count, the post-election process for seating the win
American democracy has increasingly degenerated into a“democracy for the few”, where only the power-holders, the rich, and the political elite have a final say. Despite a right to vote, the public does not have real sway over politics. ...