has seen a majority of state governments completely lean in one political direction or the other, with 40 states in 2024 having one-party control of the governorship and both legislative bodies. In an opinion piece for The Washington Post, former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels argues that the ...
Ranked Choice Voting Automatic Voter Registration Overhaul Lobbying Ethics Voter Donation Vouchers Transparent Donations & Spending Voter Donation Vouchers & Transparent Donations effectively nullify "Citizens United" You Can Take Action Now See What We Believe in Our Governing Documents CONSTITUTI...
Washington state felons should have voting rights, federal court rulesJonathan Martin
In 2016, the state saw 74 cases where voters voted more than once or voted on behalf of a family member who had died, Wyman said. In 2018, there were 142 cases of someone voting more than once or voting on behalf of a deceased family member. "Certainly there are circ...
Washington State and Local Government Washington 2024 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:Democrats RepublicansWashington State's Top Two Primary The two candidates who receive the most votes in the primary and receive at least 1% of the votes cast qualify for the general election. Each...
Voting will take place June 20, 2023, and close June 30, 2023 Congratulations to the new members of the 2021 Real Property Probate and Trust Executive Committee! New Executive Committee Members and Positions are listed below. Real Property Council (2 positions) ...
1860. The Post found more than 1,700 people who served in Congress and owned human beings at some point in their lives. In the early decades of America’s history as an independent country, more than half of all congressmen voting on the laws forming the country’s framework were ...
I was amazed and inspired. I was also trepidatious. I didn’t know what I’d started and didn’t want it to turn ugly. After all, we had just witnessed the ungodly horror of anger — and psychosis — unleashed in Norway. I’ve come to believe that our enemy today isn’t terrorism...
speaking at the State House in Philadelphia, “to a very numerous audience” on August 1, 1776 Very "politically incorrect." But people like George Washington and Sam Adams deserve some credit for creating the most prosperous and admired nation in history. They believed in the "Vine & Fig ...
Voting in Oregon and Washington is done almost entirely by mail or ballot drop off. Less than 1% of people in Oregon’s Multnomah County vote in person, county Elections Director Tim Scott said. In Clark County, Washington, 60% of the ballots received are from ballot drop boxes and 40% ...