to prevent misinterpretations, the forensic experts must have in mind that the original situation of the fatality could have been changed. Except for medical interventions like resuscitation measures by the partner and/or medical professionals
At the same time, recent research has found that direct discrimination reflecting individuals' racial threat-based animus may be weakening (Denver & Pickett,2022; Sugie et al.,2020). This contrasts with an extensive observational and experimental literature of racial bias in the criminal justice sys...
Similarly, 63% of LGBTQ+ people have dealt with some form of discrimination during their career, either being excluded from a promotion or treated with prejudice by colleagues. The purpose of diversity hiring is to ensure that companies hire people for the right skill sets, not ‘convenient’...
Questions for Jeremy Birnholtz regarding his talk: Self-Presentation in Sociotechnical Life: How We Present Ourselves to Each Other in a World of Digital Platforms. "Self-presentation, rooted in Goffman’s classic work, is the fundamental...
How Weight Stigma Hurts Your PCOS:Physical Health Weight stigma doesn’t just affect mental health; it also has physical consequences. Individuals subjected to weight discrimination may: Avoid seeking medical care, which can lead to untreated and worsening health issues. ...
For example, the Council for Responsible Genetics position paper on genetic discrimination does not define the term discrimi- nation, but the negative connotation is clear from its use. Dis- crimination is linked to evaluating people based on "question- able stereotypes" rather than their ...
Whereas when a girl does that, she carries a stigma of ‘What kind of girl is she?’ and people find it harder to deal with.” As such, schools move quickly into high-level responses that can quickly lead to exclusions. One teacher speaking to Tes anonymously says this is an issue ...
By incorporating an affirmative perspective on “impairment effects” into the social-relational model, we do not intend to critique the model. The social and social-relational models’ focus on barriers is a response to deep and pervasive inequality and discrimination for disabled people across socie...
It calls for the repeal of sex work-specific criminal and licensing laws and regulations, repeal of sex work-specific migration restrictions, removal of police as regulators, and the extension of anti-discrimination and anti-vilification protections to sex workers so that they can lead “free and...
"This was really the first time that the two sides of my work came together," she says. "Even if you never encounter discrimination, even if you don't have a demeaning minority stress event, stigmatized individuals move through the world not being able to take their social safety for grant...