Challenging stigma and discrimination experienced by childrenCalder B.Sc., JaneKimbugwe, RobinahKisyombe, Daisy
Stigma and discrimination are daily issues for people infected and affected by HIV. Fear of stigma and associated discrimination affects, for example, whether people go for testing, whether they share their fears with family, friends or colleagues, and whether they reveal their HIV status. This st...
These arguments are made plausible to sex workers by a material context that provides evidence and experience of the possibility of change. I conclude that interventions designed to problematize stigma and discrimination should back up the conceptual alternatives that they present by producing concrete ...
Challenging the Stigma of Mental Illness offers practical strategies for addressing the harmful effects of stigma attached to mental illness. It considers both major forms of stigma: public stigma, which is prejudice and discrimination endorsed by the general population; and self-stigma, the loss of...
Stigma and Discrimination This work and resulting report was only possible through the contributions of many individuals and through the collaboration of our various institutions. In particular, we would like to acknowledge Pham Duc Muc, of Department of Therapy,... R Hivrelated,VR Hivrelated,L Ny...
These studies also have practical relevance to Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Maori communities where individuals with mental illness frequently experience 'double-whammy' stigmatisation and discrimination.Keywords:Aboriginal,developing countries,East Timor,Maori,mental,illness,stigmaAlan...
Case evidence from Bosnia, Rwanda, East Timor, and most recently Darfur has increasingly shown that such children [children born of wartime rape] are subject to stigma, discrimination, and even infanticide in post-conflict settings...children born of [wartime] rape and sexual exploitation ‘become...
“Being pregnant or being a parent is not a crime and should not exclude an individual from employment or business opportunities,” Allred said. “An individual’s status as a parent should not carry a stigma and no person should have to feel embarrassed, ...
" In this chapter, the authors introduce concept of stigma as asocial phenomenon, describe its relationship to the concepts of stereotype, prejudice, discrimination and power, and offer some initial recommendations to reduce dementia-related stigma....
Lewis's argument has recently been reinterpreted as an argument that such values are not the 'responsibility' of the poor, rather they are a stigma created and imposed by the powerful upon the poor—a more Marxist interpretation. Yet the more recent interpretation of Lewis does not seem to ...