The Discovery of RNA InterferenceTherapeutic Application of the RNAi MechanismMammalian Viruses and the RNAi MechanismBasic Design of an RNAi Therapy against VirusesSelecting Optimal TargetsPrevention of Viral EscapeMultiplexing siRNAsDelivery IssuesPotential Risks of an RNAi TherapyExample of an Acute ...
Although evidence of Dicer activity against certain RNA viruses have been reported in undifferentiated mouse stem cells [88], and in some other specific context [91,92], the physiological antiviral role of RNAi and its interplay with the interferon response in vertebrate animals is still an area ...
RNA viruses such as influenza virus and HIV typically undergo mutation at a much higher rate than DNA viruses because RNA viruses usually lack the proof-reading activity. Although SARS-CoV-2 possesses the proof-reading activity, facilitated by nsp14 (Exonuclease N)-nsp10 complexes [12], scientis...
病毒诱导的基因沉默具有操作简便,研究周期 短,不需遗传转化等优点,已在多种单,双子叶植物 中广泛应用[8-9].它基于植物对病毒基因复制的防御机 制,综合植物病毒的非转基因系统性侵染,植物的免 疫应答及细胞 RNAi 沉默机制于一体,可以简易快速 且高效的沉默靶向基因,极大地方便了植物基因功能 的反向遗传学研究[...
Hsu and colleagues showed that CasRx, the best variant of their lot, had higher efficiency and specificity, compared to RNAi. They further targeted catalytically inactive CasRx not to cleave the RNA but to physically block access from the splicing factor, thus manipulating mRNA splicing in neuronal...
The Discovery of RNA Interference Therapeutic Application of the RNAi Mechanism Mammalian Viruses and the RNAi Mechanism Basic Design of an RNAi Therapy against Viruses Selecting Optimal Targets Prevention of Viral Escape Multiplexing siRNAs Delivery Issues Potential Risks of an RNAi Therapy Example of an...
Arboviruses within the Bunyaviridae family have extensive genus and vector diversity, with viruses from this family transmitted to humans by sandflies, mosquitoes, and ticks [1]. The severity of bunyavirus-induced disease in humans also fluctuates from asymptomatic to severe disease, including seizures...
In the context of IAV infection, a study using RNAi for targeting, among other proteins, nuclear pore proteins identified TNPO1 as an important host factor involved in uncoating. Depletion of TNPO1 in different cells reduced the number of infected cells and the production of new viruses [103...